Thursday, April 14, 2011

Her majesty is a pretty nice girl but she doesn't have a lot to say...

Alas!  My french dresser has arrived!  A HUGE thanks to my cousin Peter for helping me pick up the large parcel and deliver it to my humble abode.  Sorry for the iPhone pictures I was far too excited and needed to share them ASAP!

The little drawers have green velvet liner and spots for each item of silverware you would have.  These will be fantastic to put dog leashes, car, keys and all sorts of accessories. 
(My darling Pugsley can not resist the spotlight.)

 This was originally the bottom to a dinning room hutch set made by Harmony House Company.  

Here is a photo of one just like it I found on Google with the top section included.

Ohhh the details in the wood I adore.  The entire piece is dovetailed except for a few screws to keep drawer pulls in place.  I did a little research and found one almost identical to this one.  Come to find it is made of solid Mahogany.

Here is another shot of it at night.  I was trying out a few display options.

This is where I have her right now.  Looks so much more inviting than a mound of boxes and an electric floor heater when you walk in the door.  I am working on the curtains as you know.  Some flowy sheer panels would look so romantic behind this piece.    

As you can see the whole thing is pretty scratched up.  Have no fear!  I plan on refinishing this big beaut!  I think I will paint the body a nice grayish blue with an shabby chic look to it.  Sand the paint down make it look weathered again.  

The top I would like to sand down and re-stain the same color as it is now with a nice satin finish to stay true to the original piece.  Similar to this adorable dresser seen in The Restoration Shoppe

Close up of white paint and stain to highlight the detailed woodwork.

So since purchasing a church pew is a bit far fetched right now, I have been on the hunt for simple designs I can use for a model to build my very own.  I found this church pew on eBay.  I think it would be really easy to make.  Use a jigsaw to get that nice rounded shape on the sides.  You will be able to sit down and put on your shoes and store them beneath it's genius!

Time to shop for some supplies...

This is the dusty blue color I would like to use on the body of the dresser and church pew/bench.

Accents will be painted with a nice bright antique white.

This is how I would like the top surface to be when I am done.  You gotta have respect for Mahogany.
The smell of it reminds my orchestra days.

And because you were thinking about it the entire time:
Ron Burgundy: I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal.
Veronica Corningstone: Really.
Ron Burgundy: People know me.
Veronica Corningstone: Well, I'm very happy for you.
Ron Burgundy: Um, I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

1 comment:

  1. I have the above-mentioned harmony house full-sized hutch..with the glass top you have the picture of in your blog, the one you say you found on google. In my research, Harmony House was made by Sears...and it will never be considered antique...why? I'm not sure. It's a beautiful piece of furniture...Too bad I have no daughters to leave it to. There also is the very same Harmony House full-sized mahogany hutch in the Movie with Goldie Hawn "Sugarland Express" in the living room of the foster mother Goldie is desperately trying to get to so she can steal her child back. It is an interesting piece of furniture, but certainly never considered an antique of any kind...manufactured by Sears in the '50s-ish. In my eyes, it is still antique...I don't care what the experts say...loving my harmony house hutch..but sorry no one to pass it on to when I'm gone.
